
National Anthem (27.05.2019)

(Exhibition, News, Performance)

8 March – 7 July 2019

Buxton Contemporary, Cnr Southbank Boulevard & Dodds Street Southbank, Victoria, Australia

Curated by Kate Just

Eugenia is included in National Anthem, a cacophonous array of artistic voices and perspectives which brings together 24 artists across generations to critically address national identity. Channelling humour and satire and engaging in tactics such as play, intervention and confrontation, the artists in National Anthem seek self-determination and collectively hold a mirror up to contemporary Australia, prompting new representations of who we are or who we might aspire to become.

Artists: Brook Andrew, Abdul Abdullah, Kay Abude, Hoda Afshar, Tony Albert, Ali Gumillya Baker, Archie Barry, Richard Bell, Daniel Boyd, Juan Davila, Destiny Deacon, Janenne Eaton, Tony Garifalakis, Eugenia Lim, Tracey Moffatt, Callum Morton, Hoang Tran Nguyen, Raquel Ormella, Mike Parr, Steven Rhall, Tony Schwensen, Christian Thompson, Paul Yore and Siying Zhou.

For more information,
visit buxtoncontemporary.com